Both machine and deep learning are subsets of artificial intelligence, but deep learning represents the next evolution of machine learning. In machine learning, algorithms created by human programmers are responsible for parsing and learning from the data. They make decisions based on what they learn from the data. Deep learning learns through an artificial neural network that acts very much like a human brain and allows the machine to analyze data in a structure very much as humans do. Deep learning machines don’t require a human programmer to tell them what to do with the data. This is made possible by the extraordinary amount of data we collect and consume—data is the fuel for deep-learning models.

Ten ways deep learning is used in practice

1. Customer experience

2. Translations

3. Adding color to black-and-white images and videos

4. Language recognition

5. Autonomous vehicles

6. Computer vision

7.  Text generation

8. Image caption generation

9. News aggregator based on sentiment

10. Deep-learning robots

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