Even though China has almost three times as many internet users as the United States, US dependence on the internet is clearly higher—we’d lose about $1.4 billion more than China in a 24-hour internet outage. India’s user base also eclipses that of the US, but the revenue loss for that country is only (“only”!) $1 billion for 24 hours, putting it in eighth place. The numbers for loss of revenue per hour follow suit. The US economy would be out $303 million for every hour there’s a country-wide internet eclipse.

Amazon’s desire to be one with the internet has paid off handsomely. So many people use it for not only buying stuff but for keeping their own web presence afloat. But a 24-hour outage would cost the company over $1 billion. Comparatively, Google’s parent, Alphabet, would lose only half as much.

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