Horizon State technology empowers communities through the use of distributed ledger technology. This is the first time Horizon State has offered assistance on a national scale. The offer has arrived in Scotland, via the YesDayScotland media portal, which has delivered voluntary investigative reporting on digital democracy potential over the last 5 years. Founder Nicholas Russell says, ‘This is now the most incredible groundbreaking global opportunity for Scotland, our democracy can be totally revolutionised, and if the potential is fully embraced, Scotland can emulate and then perhaps even overtake Estonia, which is currently the most advanced digital society in the world’.
Scotland’s previous paper voting system, which is vulnerable to tampering, is therefore rendered obsolete, as Horizon State champion the use of a digital, decentralised method of participation, which relies on a secure online portal, accessed through voter-owned technology, such as smartphones.
In order to deliver this capability however, Scotland’s government will need to upgrade the existing archaic National Entitlement Card identity scheme, to a fully modernised scheme with identity cards which are capable of being used to create digital citizenships.
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