Why then is the SNP leadership banging this particular drum now? The first reason is to kick into the long grass the currency issue that has never been answered adequately in the past – the second is to set up a reasonably quick route back into the EU – which it knows will entail Scotland eventually joining the Euro (and Schengen et al). To join the Euro you first need to have a central bank and currency to 
convert from – you cannot convert from Sterling, another country’s currency – so creating a new 
currency smooths the path to EU membership and the adoption of the Euro.

A new report published tomorrow demonstrates how, beyond any doubt and using the EU’s own statistical output, the Euro currency project has been an economic catastrophe. In the mid-nineties the Eurozone countries and United States enjoyed roughly the same share of World GDP. In 1994 the US economy accounted for 24.9 per cent of global GDP, compared with the Eurozone’s 24.5 per cent.

Read More.. Source Scotsman

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