What is My Liability for a Data Breach?
It seems like we read about a major data breach occurring almost every other day. From credit card information...
The dollar has never been so popular. So why is interest in the yuan and euro growing?
The US dollar’s share of global reserves is falling, while the euro and Chinese yuan are becoming...
How Amazon and Google are helping Western Union fight the multibillion-dollar fintech threat
Western Union executives also have embraced the shift to digital transactions to help compete against...
Apple Pay vs. Google Pay vs. Samsung Pay: Mobile payments compared
Mobile payments could soon make your wallet obsolete by allowing you to pay with just the tap of your...
Yes, People Are Actually Buying These Tiny Houses on Amazon for $3,000
It’s easier than ever to shop and buy a tiny home thanks to Amazon’s diverse selection of tiny house...
AI created to translate babies’ cries
Babies can cry because they are feeling ill or pain but they will also often let out a whimper if they...
This AI Can Tell When Faces in Photos Were Photoshopped
The researchers at Adobe and UC Berkeley have published their work in a new paper titled, “Detecting...
THERE’S A NEW battleground in the browser wars: user privacy. Firefox just made its Enhanced...
Walmart Taking on Amazon, Facebook, and Google With New Ad Platform [and Otherwise]
Walmart recently hosted the 52Sixty Summit in New York City, inviting teams from top brands to give them...
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