Creator of Linux Apologizes
On Sunday evening, Torvalds sent a message to the Linux kernel developers mailing list to announce that...
Ransomware Takes Down Airport's Flight Information Screens
The screens showing airline passengers information on flight schedules and boarding gates were dark for...
Amazon opens its first cashier-less Go store outside of Seattle
Amazon is opening its first cashier-less grocery store outside of its hometown of Seattle. The new store...
Robots in workplace 'could create double the jobs they destroy'
The rise of machines, robots and algorithms in the workplace stands to create almost double the number...
Cyber Attack Could Cause the Next Financial Crisis
But the next crisis might not come from a financial shock at all. The more likely culprit: a cyber attack...
How to Tell If You’re Delegating Too Much
Everyone knows leaders should delegate to ensure that they are working on the right projects and deliverables. ...
Can you guess which of these paintings was not made by a human?
Take a look at the paintings above. Five were painted by artists from around the world. One was painted...
Walmart Buys Another E-Commerce Player
Walmart recently announced the acquisition of Cornershop — an online marketplace for crowdsourced...
Robots will take ten per cent of British jobs says Bank of England Governor Mark Carney, as he warns of 'fourth industrial revolution'
He said technological changes sweeping the world could destroy 10 per cent of British jobs, which – based...
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